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This study, building upon previous research work at the College of Staten Island (CSI) library, attempts to evaluate the accessibility of select digital monograph platforms and file formats utilized at the City University of New York (CUNY). The usability of CSI library’s locally developed ER-ACT tool to assist librarians with limited technical knowledge to review VPATs and to perform simple testing was also evaluated with challenges and successes reported. It was determined that the use of color-coded results in this study can help identify serious accessibility issues within ebooks and to communicate the results within libraries to assist with collection development decision-making. The study also includes a review of new court rulings related to accessibility issues in higher education and discusses where accessibility staffing reports in terms of job roles and duties held by university professionals. The testing of the accessibility of library ebooks, with various accessibility tools, are reviewed within the context of Section 508 revisions and new VPAT standards.  相似文献   
吴桃  沙建华 《民族学刊》2020,11(6):36-41, 157-158
位于武陵山区石柱土家族自治县的金铃乡银杏村,是集少数民族、革命地区、集中连片的特困地区。一方面该村以自然山水风光为资源禀赋,以培育民族文化精神高地为乡村振兴“铸魂”、“赋能”;以“非遗文化+扶贫”的路子,激活了乡村的内生动力;文化扶贫直抵人心取得了“点石成金”的效果,让土家人充分享受到文化释放的红利。另一方面,该村作为“民族团结进步示范村”,以做深做实民族团结工作为抓手,充分让民族政策惠及土家万户,生动地实现了民族团结之花在土家大地上常开常盛。一个个串联成珠的实践案例,为武陵山打赢脱贫攻坚战更好地接续乡村振兴发挥了活标杆的示范引领作用,向世人展示一幅色彩斑斓的美丽乡村新图景。  相似文献   
新冠疫情大流行正在对全球经济产生严重冲击,这次突如其来的疫情对我国经济及劳动力市场产生的重大影响还未停止,亿万农民工因春节后返城复工大流动的特殊性受影响尤为严重、在防疫防控与返城复工中创出的新鲜经验尤为珍贵。本文通过对农民工集中度高的制造业、建筑业、服务业分十个方面开展30户企业复工快速调查和“百企”复工分业调查,分析农民工在这一特殊时期错峰返城分批复工形成的“三波”新变化,研究农民工在特殊时期招工复工“新两难”问题,形成对农民工防疫与复工阶段性的基本研判,进而探索农民工防疫与复工交织的变化规律与应对之策,提出将部分应急对策上升为长期政策措施的初步建议。  相似文献   
符码化和景观生产是东北乡村喜剧节目呈现出的一种伪现实主义特点。伪现实主义是在现实主义的参照下,当下中国学术界新提出的一种理论观点。信息化时代,媒介突起是伪现实主义出现的背景,主要表征在影视节目文本的创作和艺术特点等方面。东北乡村喜剧是近年来最为流行的节目之一。在电视、网络等电子媒介的助推下,东北乡村喜剧首先建构出迎合受众感官和心理体验方面的“伪现实”情境;表面上打着追求“快乐”的幌子,实质上是在对东北方言进行编码;祛除历史蕴涵,错置文化语境,刻意强化、突出俚俗特点是编码的主要形式。成功编码的东北方言成为一种具有“召唤”功能的景观,观众沉浸在“傻乐”景观中,丧失了思考自身真实生活处境的能力,变成了单向度的人。  相似文献   
China’s pension reform during the past three decades has allowed a majority of China’s population to be covered by a pension scheme. Of particular note has been the New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS), a voluntary programme introduced starting in 2009. One goal of our analysis is to assess that pension scheme, using a variety of sources of information including data drawn from recent (2013 and 2015) nationwide China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Surveys (CHARLS). Our analysis involves an exploration of differences between the generosity and structure of the NRPS and other pension schemes currently in place. We also explore the feasibility of reforming the current “quasi-social pension” component of the NRPS by substituting a universal non-contributory social pension pillar. In connection with our assessment of the NRPS, we note the unusually low benefit levels for rural China.  相似文献   
This research note reflects on the gaps and limitations confronting the development of ethical principles regarding the accessibility of large-scale data for civil society organizations (CSOs). Drawing upon a systematic scoping study on the use of data in the United Kingdom (UK) civil society, it finds that there are twin needs to conceptualize accessibility as more than mere availability of data, as well as examine the use of data among CSOs more generally. In order to deal with the apparent “digital divide” in UK civil society – where, despite extensive government rhetoric about data openness, organizations face not only the barriers of limited time, funds, and expertise to harness data but also the lack of representation within existing data – we present a working model in which ethical concerns accompanying data utilization by civil society may be better accounted. This suggests there is a need for further research into the nexus of civil society and data upon which interdisciplinary discussion about the ethical dimensions of engagement with data, particularly informed by insight from the social sciences, can be predicated.  相似文献   
运用SWOT 分析法对青岛市乡村休闲旅游发展进行分析,结果显示:青岛具有资源丰富、经济发达、交通便利等优势,但同时也存在认识水平不高、农村基础设施落后、产品同质化严重、季节性明显、人才缺乏等劣势;面临旅游新热点形成、政府出台鼓励政策、新型农村社区的建设等新的发展机遇,但周边地区的竞争、生态环境的恶化也对其构成了威胁。在此基础上,提出了提高认识水平、完善基础设施、打造特色品牌、保护资源、培养人才等可行性建议。  相似文献   
随着城镇化进程不断加快,城镇功能和城市文明向农村地区的扩散已成为一种必然。对于传统农业地区,城镇化的关键在于立足自身资源禀赋,对城镇化的路径和推进机制做出切合实际的选择。在这方面,山东省平阴县孝直镇借助新型农村社区建设和农业现代化推进新型城镇化的模式为研究分析此类问题提供了一个可资借鉴的案例。  相似文献   
农村基层党组织是党在农村的神经末梢,也是党的路线、方针、政策的"终端"推动者和实践者。现阶段农村党组织建设面临新兴组织不断涌现与党组织作用削弱的不适应,"权力和资源缺失"与服务刚性增强的不适应,村民自治进一步发展与群众政治参与欠充分的不适应,群众诉求多样化与满足渠道单一的不适应,部分党员党性不强、意识淡化与始终保持先进性的要求不适应等问题。在加强以党支部为核心的农村基层组织建设的"莱西会议精神"指导下,全面深化农村基层党组织建设:思想上高度认识是前提,加强支部建设是核心,坚持法治、完善村民自治是重点,紧扣服务、创新制度是关键,统筹协调、综合配套是保障。  相似文献   
理解祥林嫂意义时,现代性价值立场的确立使得封建意识形态作为具有标出意味的整体被区隔出来.这种视域将祥林嫂身处其中的三重文化空间理解为封建意识形态与现代性的二元对立,并导致祥林嫂与"我"之间对称性的叙事一直未被言及.事实上,祥林嫂意义的复杂结构正表现为发生于山里文化空间与鲁镇文化空间之间的悲剧命运,由来自外面即第三重文化空间的"我"所讲述.从这个文本现场出发,我们或许能获得祥林嫂出走的现代性启示,还原祥林嫂悲剧命运的内在意义.  相似文献   
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